Selection for girls

In this category, we present the most popular gifts for a girl's birth, christening or birthday. Depending on their availability at our jewellery store at 68 Mitropoleos Street, they will be delivered to you in 1 to 3 working days, when they are immediately available (products in stock), and in 4 to 15 working days when they are backordered (sold out products). In any case, a representative of our company will always be available to confirm the shipping date by phone.

More choices:

140.00 (Including tax)
In stock

140.00 (Including tax)
In stock

150.00 (Including tax)
In stock

180.00 (Including tax)
In stock

170.00 (Including tax)
In stock

160.00 (Including tax)
In stock

160.00 (Including tax)
In stock

240.00 (Including tax)
In stock

350.00 (Including tax)
In stock

150.00 (Including tax)
In stock

120.00 (Including tax)
In stock

170.00 (Including tax)
In stock